Bölüm anahatları

  • The material here is from the first 6 weeks of a course on web services at Bilgi University.

    It is usable as it stands, provided you follow the instructions carefully. Small problems may arise when you try different suppliers and different GNU/Linux distributions

    I am in the process of updating and simplifying the worksheets here in the light of the experiences of the students taking that course. The material will also be generalized to cover directly more suppliers and more software versions and GNU/Linux distributions

    My thanks to the students who took the course at Bilgi for their patience and for their contributions


    • General news and announcements
    • Post your requests for help on the material in this course here!

      Registration required (but it is easy and free)

    • Use this to get Digital Ocean credit of $50 (and many other useful goodies) if you are a registered university student and have a university provided email address.

    • Use this link to get a $10 credit on Digital Ocean, if you are not a registered student with a university provided email address.

      If you spend over $25 after your credit runs out, then a credit will go back to the droplet on which this server is running.

    • You can get a domain name, free for a year, from this link. The GitHub student pack also has an introductory free domain name offer, so check that out, too, if you are a registered student, with an educational email address

    • I raised a ticket with Digital Ocean about the verification problems some students have been having.

      Use this page to get your account unblocked.

  • Setting up a droplet and beginning to use the command line.

  • Basic security precautions, getting some necessary programs loaded, more work with the command line

  • We learn about file permissions and ownership and how several users can share the server securely

  • We learn how to set up domain names, both locally and through the Domain Name System, and how to serve multiple domains from one server by configuring virtual hosts on Apache and giving secure access to multiple users to update their sites.

  • We will now show that we can support multiple web sites on our droplet.

  • We show that we now have a useful system by installing the Wordpress blogging software on just one of our multiple domains.