Howto type courses.

A temporary course for students wishing to prepare for Google Code Jam

This course material takes you step by step through setting up a full web server on a service like Digital Ocean or Linode. It is designed for complete beginners

When you finish the material you will have a multi-domain web server on which you can even host websites for other people.

The course uses Debian GNU/Linux,  Apache, PHP, PostgreSQL and other languages and technologies. The Apache version used is now out of date (2.2), so some files need revision

Subsequent steps will go on to setting up a Wordpress web site, then exploring various technologies for setting up a dynamic web server, using secure http and beyond.

This course contains some material from my CMPE 283/COMP 461 course, simplified and revised

If I were giving this course again, I would probably switch to NGINX as web server. Apache is pretty much a legacy server these days. Anyone who would like to update this course material, should mail me.